Kilkenny Stars Basketball

Founded 2011

Co. Kilkenny

Policies & Codes Of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents & Guardians 

I agree to: 
  • Promote my child's participation in playing basketball for fun. 
  • Deliver and collect my child punctually to and from training sessions/games. 
  • Ensure my child is properly attired for training and games and has water with them at all times. 
  • Detail any health concerns pertaining to my child upon registration. Any changes in the state of my child's health should be reported to the coach prior to coaching sessions. 
  • Encourage my child to play by the rules and teach them that they can only do their best. 
  • Help my child to recognise good performance, not just results. 
  • Encourage and guide my child to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour. 
  • Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all. 
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes. 
  • Use correct and proper language at all times. 
  • Show appreciation and support the coach. 
  • Accept the official's judgement at games, and never challenge or disrespect match officials, players or coaches from the side lines. 
  • Wait until 24 hours after a game to contact a coach about any issues arising in that game. 
Parents & Guardians have the right to 
  • Know their child is safe. 
  • Be informed of problems or concerns relating to their children. 
  • Be informed if their child is injured. 
  • Have their consent sought for issues such as trips. 
  • Contribute to decisions within the club. 
  • Contact the club if they have any queries or concerns. 

Code of Conduct for Players 

Parents/Guardians of underage players - Please ensure your son/daughter understands and agrees to the Code of Conduct. Breach of this code can result in dismissal from the club.  
As a player, I agree to: 
  • Respect all other players, coaches and volunteers no matter what their religious beliefs, race, gender, social class or ability 
  • Have fun and participate. 
  • Avoid rough or dangerous play 
  • Never bully 
  • Never use bad language or behave disrespectfully to other players, my coach, or other volunteers 
  • Accept the official's judgement at games, and never challenge or disrespect match officials 
  • Be a positive and enthusiastic player 
  • Encourage my team-mates 
  • Never use my phone during training or matches  
Any misdemeanours and general misbehaviour will be dealt with immediately and reported verbally to the designated Children's Officer. The Children's Officer will bring any disciplinary issues to the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee will adjudicate on each case and will recommend appropriate action, up to and including dismissal from the club, to the Committee. 
I have read the Code of Conduct for Kilkenny Stars Basketball Club Players above and agree to abide by the guidelines as set out in the code. 

Code of Conduct for Coaches & Club Volunteers 

As a Coach/Volunteer I agree to: 
  • Use my best endeavours to ensure the safety of all children by careful supervision, proper planning of coaching/ playing sessions, using safe methods at all times. 
  • Actively encourage all children not to discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, race, gender, social classes or lack of ability. 
  • Emphasise fun and participation.
  • Not allow any rough or dangerous play, bullying, or the use of bad language or inappropriate behaviour. 
  • Always be positive and to promote the objectives of the club at all times. 
  • Record any incidents that breach either the Coaches' or Players' code of conduct.
  • Communicate with parents/guardians early re any player's breach of behaviour.
  • Be a role model (disciplined/committed/time keeping) as children learn by example.
  • Abide by all Basketball Irelands rules as laid out in the Basketball Ireland documents, that are available on the Basketball Ireland website including: 

  • Basketball Ireland Code of Ethics for Children in Sport 
  • Basketball Ireland Code of Conduct for all Members 
  • Basketball Ireland Underage Rules 
Any misdemeanours and general misbehaviour will be dealt with immediately and reported verbally to the designated Child Protection Officer. The Child Protection Officer will bring any disciplinary issues to the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee will adjudicate on each case and will recommend appropriate action, up to and including dismissal from the club, to the Committee.
I have read the Code of Conduct for Kilkenny Stars Basketball Club Coaches and Club Volunteers above and agree to abide by the guidelines as set out in the code. 

Policy On Playing Up Age Grades / Playing Games

I have read and agree to abide by the clubs policy on playing games as outlined here:

  • A player must play in their own age group but can be allowed to play in two age grades. 
  • Given to any scheduling conflicts, players must prioritise their own age group (unless a special circumstance arises – special circumstance to be approved by the committee).
  • In order to play up, the player will be required to practice AT LEAST 3 times per week. Once with each team. The third practice has to be alternated each week between both teams.

Example:  A U12 player would practice once during the week with U12’s, once with U13’s, and alternate the weekend practices. One weekend with U12’s and the next weekend with U13’s. If parents were willing and able to get them to all 4 trainings that would be a bonus.
  • For games, players must play in their own age group if games clash. However, if there is a U12 game on an U13 training night, the player can play the U12 game. If there is an U13 game on a U12 training night, the player can play the U13 game. 
  • Coaches for the older team should decide who plays up, but not at the expense of the development of one of their older players.
  • Younger players are permitted to be a part of older teams, but no player should be left off any team.
  • As per Basketball Ireland rules, league players up to and including U14 must play a minimum of one quarter in each game they attend.
  • At U15/16 and up, there is no limit or any minimum on playing time. At these age levels the coaches decide who plays and who doesn't play.

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